You’ve landed here! Thank you. We hope this website offers you lots of opportunity to experience what we are so excited about. That you learn something about your own breathing pattern and expand your knowledge of this incredible tool — your breath.
Inspirational Breathing (IB) is a community of people dedicated to sharing the power of the breath. Practitioners have their own varying unique skills and experiences and combine these with a consistency and focus; all qualified in the IB training programme.
The training of practitioners is the creative result of Nicola’s passion to share far and wide what she acknowledges is an ancient gift, and answer to so many of our very human and societal challenges, a gift that has been by passed by in mainstream education.
Ancient wisdom and modern science shows breath work has an array of benefits through accessing the body’s innate physical and emotional intelligence, and for many, a spiritual connection.
The breath
Inspirational Breathing is a technique that fully opens up the respiratory system — sometimes for the first time ever — and floods the body with life affirming energy and life force.
The breath is a bit like a Swiss army knife. There are different blades for different uses. Inspirational breathing takes you back to your natural baby’s breath. The most efficient way to breathe, it’s a dynamic, effortless flow that takes you to a state of ease.
During sessions, we observe breathing patterns and use a powerful mix of tools and techniques, such as self-massage, toning sounds, movement, affirmations and visualisation, to encourage a free flowing breath using the whole of the respiratory system. With a full, conscious and connected breath, we can release restricted patterns, let unwanted or buried feelings go and welcome new energy and therefore new behaviour patterns too!
Inspirational Breathing practitioners create a safe environment to release the layers of constriction, holding pain and confusion through the power of the breath. It typically reveals the joy, laughter and bliss that are waiting to be revealed and discovered.
The benefits
The benefits of breath work are numerous and may result in the immediate knowing of ‘I’m on the right track’! Then add the advantages of a regular breathing practice. Watch the level of personal trust and authenticity grow.
— Slow the heart rate and lower blood pressure, resulting in lower levels of anxiety and stress.
— Increased oxygen levels improves circulation, energy levels and sleep patterns.
Awareness of the breath is key in the ability to manage strong emotions of anger, sadness, grief, fear and displaying new behaviours rather than opting for old patterns!
Connection to the present moment
Creativity, decision making, speaking up and being heard. And this is where real life happens! A sense of ‘being comfortable in ones skin’ and an ability to be authentic and in the moment is a gift.
‘The breath is a portal to truth: raising the vibration in the body through the breath, it helps to shed the old skin of conditioning and outmoded patterns of thinking and being’ Nicola Price
The 6 tools
1. Breath
Inspirational Breathing is a conscious connected breath which means no pausing between inhale and exhale, exhale and inhale, much like that of a baby’s breath. This results in an effortless flow and a relaxed exhale. It involves the whole of the respiratory system, belly to chest, using the diaphragm, your primary breathing muscle. Note there is no mention of the shoulder muscles here and yet so many dysfunctional breathers use theirs! The power of this breath helps to clear old trauma held within the body.
2. Sound
Specific sound vibrations are used for different areas of the body, focused around the seven main chakra energy centres. A powerful sounding on the exhale can clear sluggish or stagnant energy. Making primal sounds can be liberating and also engage the reptilian part of the brain, enabling the release of the emotional charge held deep within the body.
3. Touch
Emotional charge from trauma creates blocks in the fascia (the network of connective tissue pervades every organ and tissue throughout the body). The blocks are encouraged to release through different types of touch. Working alongside the breath in specific ways, this combination is a powerful part of Inspirational Breathing.
4. Movement
From full body shaking to static Yin Yoga poses, various movements are used to open up specific areas of the body to release. It can change the energetic state and flow, encourage a more dynamic breath, help to rebalance the nervous system and encourage you to stay present in the breathwork process.
5. Affirmations
During breathwork a deeply receptive alpha brainwave state is achieved where the unconscious mind absorbs suggestion, allowing us to use positive words or statements to reframe old stories and beliefs that no longer serve. For example, “It’s safe to surrender and trust” may relax the individual and overcome old holding patterns of fear and not being able to let go.
6. Visualisation
Using the imagination can be effective in shifting pain and the holding of tension; taking the attention into the physical body through visualising colour and texture and combining the breath to change its perceived state.
Nicola Price, founder of Inspirational Breathing
Photo credit @virginiekhateeb
About the founder
I discovered breathwork in 2010, and explored many modalities; qualifying with Transformational Breath in 2012. Inspirational Breathing was born from a love of my exploration and spreading the knowledge through teaching Practitioners; now via Zoom and hands on face to face teaching, eight students each year.
My passion for the work that I do is driven by the shifts and changes that I see people experience, for those that are new to breathwork and seasoned breathers too. Wisdom and understanding just gets deeper as the journey into the truth of what the body holds and the breath unfolds. I love simplicity, efficiency and creativity, and all of these are ever present. Sustainability for people and their connection to self, oneness, and their community, is at the heart of IB.
My background was for many years in training and coaching leadership programmes in the corporate world. Born from a love of sharing, my work started with the desire to encourage connection, across organisations from CEO’s to new trainees; teaching the value of listening and questioning and encouraging the exploration of emotional intelligence. I ran Leading Edge and Managing Excellence programmes, typically spanning different countries/cultures company wide.
“I feel lighter, clearer and more assured in the connection between mind, body and spirit.”
— James Shaw, Founder of weMove